let's review star wars episode 9 the rise of Skywalker sounds epic right you just wait so this is a spoiler free review don't worry about that.
Star Wars Episode nine is a four-hour movie they crushed into two and a half hours because it feels like this movie probably should have been a lot longer.but it's also part three at the Disney Star Wars trilogy.supposedly the last of the core movies the core saga that we're gonna get end of the Skywalker saga whatever you want to say I'm gonna get right to what I like through this movie.I like the nostalgic stuff sure I mean it's cheap as hell they're going for the member berry soup right there whenever they can you feel like they're just gonna be like Oh remember this.I remember remember that.
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I remember they're not member enough Williams pick it up then a very familiar John Williams score will start swelling at the opportune moment it makes you like aha nostalgia which whatever you want to say about Star Wars movies.the ones you like the ones you don't if there's a core one through nine if the episodes one through nine even if you don't like the episodes John Williams in my opinions never the weak part so I enjoyed the power of nostalgia coming back to me because it's a very powerful thing I enjoyed the member berries until they started getting a little heavy and it's like okay come on I mean I know now I see it it's like I like the puppet show but I'm seeing the person behind the curtain and it's it's compromising the effect other than that it's not a lot of liked in this movie to be honest with you.
I know you know what there is this new commander there's this new commander in the first order I liked him but again damage control they made Hux a little bitch and so they're like we need someone the audience will fear we got to bring this other guy on board if you like more than a few things in rise of Skywalker is damaged for the last Jedi so it's really hard to tell where the damage control ends and the actual vision of the movie they wanted to make begins I'm not just talking about the fact they're like Schnucks dead shit alright let's bring in Palpatine which I know they are JJ Abrams have said no that was the plan from the beginning to bring Palpatine in bullshit I thought it was bullshit before I saw the movie now that I've seen the movies no way you're gonna convince me otherwise it's not just that there are a couple of bits of dialogue in here I was like we had different information a couple years ago.I mean it's part three of this new trilogy so at a point you got to look back and be like okay where did it go wrong you know what what wrong turns were made but on the other hand you got to judge the movie on its own merits as its own episode but we're in the concluding chapter of a trilogy that had a stormtrooper that turned good that's actually an arc I'd never seen in any of the movies I've seen people who lived on desert planets who become Jedi have seen that a couple times .
I've seen good pilots I've seen scoundrels never seen a stormtrooper turned good what did they do with that not much thought they would but they didn't is kept him the friend the sidekick because you know everyone needs a sidekick even when john boyega's cast is him john boyega's a good actor what are you doing wasting him I'll say that the actors all the actors do fine for what they're given Adam drivers good in the movie he does the best with what he has but I don't feel like he was really given much to do in here there are a couple moments where he could have been given more to do but in the end now cuz I feel like the intrigue that they feel is driving this whole thing is the intrigue of will they won't they hashtag reloj.
I don't care if they fuck or not let's save the galaxy but at a point I was like this movie feels really choppy because you know the Star Wars wipes those fades that happen because essentially it's a location change at a point it was just fade fade wipe wipe transition this movie has to have the most amount of Star Wars wipes that sounds totally like a toilet paper they had so many transitions in succession it's just because it's just speed running you through this plot lots pretty generous I don't know scavenger hunt.I mean even the movie starts out in the opening crawl you're like oh that's that's some information okay where some stuff has happened then the movie starts out with a situation wrapping up and you're like actually here's what's gonna happen if it doesn't already exist there will be a prequel book that comes out that fills in those gaps because busy.
but I was like okay maybe the movie just starts out a little choppy but the choppiness stays with the movie for quite some time doesn't help there's not a lot of intrigue at all I mean anytime there could be intrigue it's like someone pops into frame to explain something it's like oh what would they need with that oh just popping into frame okay let's go do the thing then but what should we do just go to that planet go there all right now we know it doesn't feel like there's an organic unraveling of information as much as there is just exposition vomit did you see that trailer that one I mean I'm not gonna play it in case you didn't see the trailer but in this trailer you know that trailer but in the trailer there's this voice that gives kylo Ren information and you're like you're just you're just gonna answer that just like that people and characters in the movie kind of just always do that well I have an intriguing unraveling of information when you can just you know save time and then after that make with the video game plot I'm not talking like good video game plot because it's like a scavenger hunt video game plot all right we have to go to this planet who are we looking for we're looking for this person this person is like hey I'm that person.
but I don't actually have the thing you're looking for that person might alright let's go over there alright I need a thing yeah you need a thing but you need me to get the thing to get you the thing it's just an unraveling of 90s video game play I know there have been some great video game plots in the 90s but it's the formulas the format it's the best I can describe it also are they friends are Poe Finn and Rey are they actually friends one thing I noticed in this movie you look at Return of the Jedi you even look at Anakin and obi-wan by the time Revenge of the Sith happens at least in the first part yeah they're bickering obi-wan rolls his eyes a few times shakes his head maybe but you can tell they do have a friendship there's a kinship there everyone returning the Jedi's like all kumbaya all the time one time han Solo kind of exploded on Leia could you tell Luke is that he you could tell you I'm sorry I'm sorry rise a Skywalker they just they bicker and argue over each other all the time that kind of arguing that just gets your anxiety up you're like God okay you all can't wait for this to end too huh sweetie another thing this movie didn't do so great is illustrate the threat level you know threat fear of danger that's kind of what makes an adventure thrilling.
but there's a scene worth of running through this place just massacring stormtroopers bull's-eyes every time no need to take cover ever which tells the audience there's no need to worry which means no threat means no thrill which means boring I mean I love a good god mode code myself but once in a while don't make it the movie ray is so Opie in this movie she's so she is so overpowered she's more powerful here than you've ever seen her which it's been like a year I guess I hear online that has been a year but she does some stuff in here where you're like where did you learn that how did how I'm not talking like swinging at a lightsaber and she's good at fighting herself I'm talking fucking how almost disappointing for me he's just the third act at a point just felt ridiculous only word.
I can use to describe it as ridiculous it's like Abrams was like we got to do really big stuff let's do big stuff it's like this movie or at least the third act was made by someone who likes Star Wars ish things but doesn't really know the Star Wars lore there are rules in Star Wars look I can always say so much with spoiler phrase so I'm just gonna give you the gist I genuinely think if you love the force awakens and the last Jedi still if it just hit you and you just love the movies I think he'll probably enjoy Rises Skywalker it's the concluding chapter of that trilogy that you love and that's why I say this with a heavy heart but I really do mean it I just legitimately driving home from the screening this was the thing in my head and this is just real the rise of Skywalker is my least favorite of the nine core saga films.
I saw some people say this movie's bold like it had some bold decisions III didn't see anything bold in here there's nothing bold about this movie there's a difference between bold and desperate but maybe when this movie comes on Disney Plus I'll fast forward to the good scenes I can't think of any I don't know any scene in this movie I'll actually fast forward it to even the lightsaber fights bored me I guess that's the hardest part is I just I felt nothing in the movie I was watching it I'm like it feels like a sci-fi movie just feels like another sci-fi movie which is never what Star Wars ever felt like Sorrows always had that sense of lore building or character building moving towards something you know what they're moving towards in this movie and by the engines it feels like oh you were moving towards damage control that was sloppily executed Congrats there are a couple things there are three things in particular.
I could think if I'm like beating a dead horse now I'm just saying I'm not gonna remember Raisa Skywalker in t-minus one day ya already forgot.I so star where's the rise of Skywalker have you seen it what did you think.about it are you looking forward to it and list the Star Wars movies favorite to least favorite I know I asked that a couple years ago but they change over time but whatever they are whatever you think comment below let me know.